The Innermost House: A Memoir

Raised in a nineteenth-century saltbox house in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, Cynthia Blakeley was both surrounded by generations of immediate and extended family and isolated by the mysteries locked inside her affectionate yet elusive mother and short-fused father. While she and her sisters and cousins roamed the Outer Cape—drinking in the dunes, swimming in kettle ponds, and dancing in Provincetown—Blakeley also turned to the inner world of her journals as she contended with her own secrets and memories.
Blakeley’s captivating memoir moves fluidly through time, grappling with the question of who owns a memory or secret and how our narrative choices not only describe but also shape and change us. In this insightful and poignant account of tenacious year-rounders on Cape Cod, Blakeley contends that making sense of ourselves is a collaborative affair, one that begins with understanding those we came from.
Publication Date: Dec. 1, 2024
Available in paperback, hardcover, e-book, and audiobook:
University of Massachusetts Press
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Praise for The Innermost House

Cynthia Blakeley is a freelance academic editor and an instructor at Emory University in Atlanta, where she teaches courses on memory and memoir, interdisciplinary research, and theories of dream interpretation. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in Cape Cod Voice, HerStry, and Dreamers Magazine.